Build Your Confidence


The first step in the journey to being good at something, is simply doing the thing. There is a word for the person who is trying something new. You know where I'm going with this-- we call those people beginners. Now reread the first sentence. Notice I didn't say that the first step was finding something you're good at & doing it, oh no, the first step is doing the thing. Let's be honest -- usually the first try at anything is not great, its messy or funny looking or uncomfortable -- & that is ok!

It is absolutely fine, you might even say expected, to be bad at something when you are a beginner. Think about the first time you rode a bike, parallel parked, baked a complicated recipe. Was it perfect? Nope. Exercise is the same way. You can't just jump in & be excellent at every move right off the bat. You are doing something new, moving your body differently than you have before, lifting weight that you don't usually carry-- it makes sense that there is a learning curve!

Whether you are new to exercise all together, attempting a new move, or trying out a new class, beginning something new can test our confidence & drive. Here are a few ways to improve & continue building your confidence:

Stay Focused On You

It can be so tempting, but don't get caught up by comparing yourself to others. The person on social media is only showing the highlights in perfect lighting. The person next to you in class started a year before you did & has really put in the work. Don't compare your point in the journey to anyone else's you're in a different spot with different needs. Sure, you can admire & want to mirror the consistency of others, but don't be worried about what they are doing. Be concerned only with your progress. If you keep focused on yourself, your goals, your wins, the parts you need to work on & remain consistent in your workouts, your confidence will grow with each passing milestone.

Ask Questions

Our trainers are so knowledgeable & always ready to help! If you have questions about how to perform a move demoed in class, need tips on how to stretch chronically tight hips, or want a recommendation on offerings to improve your workout routine to meet your goals, we can help with that. We also want to know when something is sore, when you're experiencing pain, & when you need a modification. Please do not be afraid to speak up. The more knowledge you build, the more comfortable you will be in your workouts & the more confident you will be in yourself!

Be Confident In What You Are Wearing

You don't need the latest trendy workout outfit, just something you are comfortable moving, stretching, & sweating in that is appropriate for the exercise you are doing. But hey, why not have a little fun with it? Get yourself a pair of shoes that you think are awesome, look around for clothes that make you feel good, & top it all off with a cute accessory like a water bottle or hair tie that brings you a bit of joy. Look good & feel good, but with a little extra effort, you can take good to great & your mood in the gym can benefit from it.


Keep at it. There is no quick fix & progress can be slower than you'd prefer, but if you keep practicing, you will get better & better. And don't just practice the things that come a bit more naturally, practice the things that are hard. Set some goals, stick to your routine. You'll be amazed how quickly you'll progress & your confidence will build as you become more comfortable with the moves & more proud of yourself. Stay Driven!

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

As a part of our community, you already know how wonderful the Driven Team is. We don't take ourselves too seriously, we have fun, we dance at the rest station, put out mats & weights for the people who are running a few minutes late to class. We support each other & have worked hard to create an inviting & inclusive space for people of all skill levels. Give into this environment & don't sweat the small stuff. Be eager to laugh it off & keep going! So you grabbed the wrong weight or lost your balance, shake it off, smile at yourself for doing a hard thing, & get back up. You are working on you!

We are so happy to have you as part of the Driven Team! Please remember how capable you are & focus on your growth rather than achieving perfection. Confidence is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Thank you for exercising your body & mind with us -- we are so proud of our team & the unique accomplishments of our members!