8 Benefits of Working Out in the Morning


The best exercise is one that you will do consistently - this includes type, duration, location, & yes, time of day. The right exercise for you can be totally different than someone else, even if you have the same goals. It’s important to consider ways that your chosen exercise regimen fits with your preferences, lifestyle, goals, & body to yield the greatest results & make you feel your best.

If you’ve always been a morning person, or need to be in this phase of your life, morning workouts have some very real benefits. Keep these positives in-mind when your alarm clock sounds & you just might pop out of bed with a bit more pep, ready to seize the day & make the most of your early sweat session.

We know what some of you are thinking - all of these benefits sound great, but waking up early can be difficult. Below are some actionable steps to help adjust your routine for better early mornings!