Q&A with Dre

Where does your passion for fitness come from?

My parents were avid gym-goers who gave me a great fitness foundation, instilling in me the importance of a healthy diet & an active lifestyle, encouraging my athletic endeavors. The truth of what they taught me became even more apparent when I began my career as a nurse. After seeing such a high rate of chronic disease in the community, I recognized how impactful nutrition & fitness education could be as a form of preventative care.

What made you want to become a Certified Personal Trainer?

When I entered college, I continued a fitness routine, taking classes, hiking, & hitting the gym. I was surprised how many of my peers struggled to find their own routines & were intimidated by going to the gym.

It wasn’t until I moved to Ocean City, a place that fostered wellness & entrepreneurship, that I decided to become a Certified Personal Trainer. I started studying for my certification in early 2020. As the pandemic began, increasing awareness about fitness as a form of preventative medicine, I felt even more excited about my decision to get certified.

What inspired you to open Driven Studio?

I wanted a space that allowed me to expand my class offerings & meet the needs of the community year round. Along with this vision, I wanted to be able to bring in & work with other wellness experts - there are so many right here in Ocean City! Driven Studio provides services like small group classes & 1:1 training sessions through Driven by Dre, as well as workshops & special classes facilitated by other local processionals.

What keeps Dre driven?

My community - 100%! For me, it always comes back to inspiring the people that I train & the people in healthcare that I care for. I try to be a positive example for my community, but I find it equally as motivating to be a part of the community, knowing that I am working right beside each of my clients on my own goals.